Special application

St. Jernej Kanal - Slovenia

Construction of a boat jetty

Construction of a boat jetty, St. Jernej Kanal

The municipality of Piran in Slovenia is known for its long pier and Venetian architecture. In order to preserve the reputation of its cultural heritage, it was important to clean up and renovate the St. Jernej Canal, which is located in nearby Seča. This was already in danger of complete decay due to lack of management and neglect. In order to revitalise the canal, the municipality of Piran and Javno podjetje OKOLJE Piran, d.o.o., financed this project to build a ~900 m long wooden jetty with boat access and landing places.

For the implementation of the new boat jetty with a landing place, a pile system was needed that is able to penetrate the soft canal bed and reach the load-bearing soil underneath.



For this reason, the planners IZVO-R d.o.o. and SLP d.o.o. decided to cooperate with TRM and their ductile iron pile system. Altogether ~913 TRM piles of type TRM 170/10.6 were installed, corresponding to a total meterage of ~5,790m. The contractor, Adriaing d.o.o. Koper. was able to install the piles easily, using a small team and a barge, on which an excavator and the stored piles were located. With an average production rate up to 20 piles per day, the installation process was efficient. Despite the tight schedule, all work was completed on time.

Fast. Simple. Safe.

Solo un palo battuto è un palo testato.

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