TRM x AUDI FIS Ski World Cup Opening Sölden

For the annual AUDI FIS Ski World Cup Opening on the Rettenbachferner in Sölden, important measures were taken to ensure optimal competition conditions. The slope on the World Cup slope was renovated and the technical snowmaking system underwent a significant increase in its performance.

In the course of expanding the snowmaking system, another pump set was added to the three existing ones. The four main pumps all feed onto two snow lines, with a total of 1,200 kW and a flow rate of 120 l/s.
To better withstand the forces, the dimensions of the pipes were increased from DN150 to DN250 to DN300 with two different nominal pressure levels of PN 63 and PN 85 respectively. Bergbahnen Sölden used ductile iron pipes from TRM for the first time in the glacier area. These are provided with a polyurethane coating (PUR) and in the uppermost 100 running metres with an additional PE-HD protective jacket and are ideally suited to meet the special challenges of the steep terrain.

With these measures, Bergbahnen Sölden is ready to support the Ski World Cup in Sölden and to offer the athletes first-class competition conditions up to just over 3,000 m above sea level by means of technical snowmaking. The project was completed in time for the Ski World Cup.

The AUDI FIS Ski World Cup will take place on 28 and 29 October - TRM wishes all participants a successful competition!


Published: October 2023 / Photos: TRM/Eyenamic

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