Drinking Water Pipes


New water supply for Stiefingtal

Leibnitzfeld Wasserversorgung GmbH is building a new supply line in the Stiefingtal in Styria. The delivery of materials for the almost 5790 meter long transport water pipeline is made by Tiroler Rohre GmbH (TRM). The project, launched in March 2018, plans to integrate the new line into the existing network. This results in a new connection between the existing transport lines in Feiting and Pirching. In this construction project, which is scheduled to be completed by autumn 2018, pipes made by TRM with the special PUR-TOP coating in nominal width DN 250 are installed to ensure optimum water supply.

The new pipeline runs along arable land and the provincial road. Furthermore, the "Bärndorfbach" is driven under, which includes appropriate flood protection measures in this construction project. Manhole structures with automatically operating valves are installed at the high points of the pipeline. In the low points, surface hydrants and manhole structures with drainage facilities are erected. Otherwise, the proven, restrained VRS®-T connections will be used throughout the construction project. As an additional protection for the socket joints, shrink sleeves are attached. The PUR-TOP pipe of Tiroler Rohre GmbH is characterized by its particularly high load capacity. This allows the material to be used in soils of any corrosivity. This coating is ideally suited to the soil in the construction site around Heiligenkreuz am Waasen.

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