Industrial construction

Foundation of prefabricated structures

Lightweight constructions such as prefabricated units or lage warehouses are very sensitive to settlement and especially to settlement differences. Here, the TRM ductile driven pile offers a secure load transfer through the piles embedded in small foundations. Wind and structural loads are safely transferred into the ground.

Project: NB Biohort W3D - Austria

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Project: Expansion of logistics centre - Italy

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Project: Salzburg train station - Austria

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Project: Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen GmbH - Austria

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  • Flexible adjustment of the pile lengths
  • Large stock for deliveries to the construction site at short notice
  • Design as tensile piles possible
  • No additional costs for drilling material transport
  • Low investment costs
  • Very low CO2 footprint of the TRM pile system, confirmed by our EPD (Environmental Product Declaration)

3,100 tons of CO2 savings

by feeding the waste heat into the district heating network


Over 75 years

at the location Hall