Industrial construction

Bischofshofen - Austria

Foundation of a coating hall

Foundation of a coating hall in Bischofshofen, Austria

The Liebherr-Werk Bischofshofen GmbH is expanding its production site in Bischofshofen in Salzburg's Pongau region with a new coating hall to meet the increasing production requirements. The construction project is a challenging project due to the special conditions of the building ground. The terrain is characterized by heterogeneous soil conditions, ranging from less load-bearing backfill to silty fine sand and load-bearing gravel. In order to ensure the long-term stability of the paint shop, a foundation solution was required that was capable of reliably transferring the loads to the deeper, load-bearing soil layers.

After carefully analyzing the conditions and requirements, Liehbherr opted for TRM Piling Systems, which offer a customized solution for these complex ground conditions. A total of around 500 TRM 118 ductile iron piles were installed. These piles, which are designed for a maximum design load of 1,000 kN, ensure safe load transfer and enable the new coating hall to be built on a stable foundation.

Thanks to the grouted construction method, the piles could be inserted flexibly into the different soil layers, creating a reliable connection to load-bearing layers. At the same time, the technology used created a clear structural separation between the existing building and the new building, which provided additional safety in the structural design.

The decision to use TRM Piling Systems was made not only because of their technical performance, but also because of the efficiency and cost-effectiveness that this system offers when implementing complex foundations. The precise planning and execution created a sustainable and future-proof basis for the project. The construction work, which is being carried out in collaboration with Keller Grundbau GmbH and Mittendorfer Dornetshuber ZT GmbH, will take around two years and should be completed by fall 2025. This project is an impressive demonstration of how TRM uses innovative technologies and in-depth expertise to successfully implement even the most challenging foundation projects.

Fast. Simple. Safe.

Only a driven pile
is a tested pile.